Eshop na mieru – healthy, non-alcoholic wine distributor

E-shop design, webdesign, Prestashop

The initial request of the client was to analyze her original e-shop. After analyzing and implementing the appropriate tools to track customer behavior, we found a number of bugs in her original e-shop that hindered customers from purchasing her products. The original website was developed on an outdated version of the platform and exhibited a number of errors that required more time to fix and modify as opposed to designing a new e-shop.
A decision was therefore made to develop a new eshop from scratch. We then designed the new e-shop to be more robust than the previous version, while we took into account the client’s idea of expanding significantly in the future. For this reason, we designed a product categorization on the main page to make it as easy as possible for the customer to navigate to a given product. Megamenu and predictive search are also included on the site for better user experience (UIX). Several features have been integrated into the e-shop, such as product exports for Heureka price comparison web portal, implementation of a payment gateway, interfacing with the POHODA accounting system and other features.

Mobile version

Since about 60% to 70% of the visitors of this website are visiting through mobile devices, it was also necessary to customise the mobile version. Since the classic PrestaShop system mobile version is not very user-friendly, we implemented a new shopping cart, as well as adjusted the layout of the mobile website.

Prestashop is a robust system with lots of features and modules. It can handle high workloads, so it is recommended likewise for small, medium and large businesses.

What has been developed?

Web design

Web design

The difficulty level of the project development stems from the graphic design of a website or e-shop… more in the Webdesign section

tvorba eshopov

E-shop design

The crux of a quality e-shop is for the potential customer to be able to go through the purchasing process smoothly… read more in the E-shop design section



Prestashop is a platform designed for larger eshops with a wide array of products… learn more in Prestashop section

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